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Stress Less This Holiday Season

innovativewellstu December 10, 2017 0 comments 0

The holiday season can bring a lot of cheer and happiness. It can also bring a lot of stress and anxiety. From planning holiday parties, preparing large family meals, booking travel plans, and shopping all in time for the 25th of December. It can become a lot to balance on your plate!

STRESS LESS this holiday season with some tips and tricks to help you take better care of your mind and health this year!

Tips to Reduce Your Stress this Holiday Season

Plan ahead of time before going out to shop. Figure out what will best work for your wallet. Planning ahead of time can help reduce the stress of having to walk down every aisle to figure out what you are even looking for. Setting a spending limit, and having a list can be quite helpful. Budgeting can also be looking at where you can SAVE money. If you can make a gift instead of buying something OR a sale is running, save money that way.

Watch the food
Avoid over consumption of food and drink responsibly. Continue to take care of your health and your body’s needs, rather than over indulging, especially as it relates to stress eating or drinking.

Time management
While it can be difficult to entertain holiday guests and family and forgetting to have fun yourself, make the time to enjoy your hard work as well. Set your intended goals to be realistic. Ask others to help you achieve those goals, or to lend a helping hand. But most importantly, make the time to make memories with your family.

Volunteer locally
The holidays are a perfect time to give back to the community through volunteer work. Giving to others in need can help to improve your spirits, take your mind off yourself, and focus your attention to a greater cause.

Time for a timeout
Take time away from the busy shopping days and meal planning to find stillness. Catch your breath. Recollect your thoughts, your mind, and composure. Then maybe as a break, watch a movie, go for a stroll, maybe even turn on some holiday tunes.

Avoid undesired weight gain
It can be hard to moderate your eating habits at the time of year where eating large meals is very prevalent undesired weight gain can cause mental and physical stress, and can have some health consequences if it continues to go unreviewed.

1. “Survey” the table first, before diving in full force to every single option. 2. Be cautious as to what you’re eating, continue to engage yourself in healthy eating behaviors with a few less healthier options added to your plate as you wish. 3. Do not forget to continue to exercise. Exercise does not have to come as a new year kind of resolution. Find the time during the season that allows you to let go of some stress while helping to keep your weight in check.

The holiday season does not have to be a dread. Find what trick works for you in reconfiguring your stress, and making the the best of what you have. Enjoy time with family, enjoy some time to yourself, and stress less. ‘Tis the season of joy, there’s no room for worry.


American Psychological Association (2016). Making the most of the holiday season. Retrieved

BeWell Standford (2016). Avoiding holiday weight gain. Retrieved from ding-holiday-weight-gain/

Cleveland Clinic (2017). Managing Holiday Stress. Retrieved from

Mayo Clinic (2017). Stress, depression and the holidays: Tips for coping. Retrieved from