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Tai Chi for Rehabilitation: Restoring your strength

innovativewellstu October 25, 2017 0 comments 0

We have visited in a previous blog the backstory and usefulness of Tai Chi as an art and an added health benefit. It is a popular practice, serving as a gentle and restorative exercise. Tai Chi offers more to your body than simply a form of physical exercise. This practice allows one to restore physical functioning to one’s body and improve its overall use.

Tai Chi is great for older persons seeking to improve motor functioning, better stabilization, and increase flexibility. It is also great for individuals who have undergone surgery, injury etc. and are needing to regain flexibility and coordination to muscle groups. Tai Chi incorporates gentle, subtle movements that help one ease back into regaining strength. The movements focus on deploying weight shift patterns and while remaining aware of posture and muscle control (The Sports Injury Doctor). This is a very important concept when practicing Tai Chi, as this exercise focuses on “harmony” and utilizing harmony through movement and the flow of energy within.

While your body releases itself from tension, your joints and soft tissues are continually and gently moved through their ranges with minimal stress (The Sports Injury Doctor). It may take some getting used to and fine tuning your movements. Remember, Tai Chi is not to be a rushed practice. Tai Chi for rehab is about allowing your body and mind to harmonize with one another to produce a positive outcome. Not only is the goal for you to feel better after taking a Tai Chi class, but for your overall well-being to be uplifted.

Tai Chi for Rehab is a phenomenal practice with the end goal of returning an individual back to their full self. Full in body, full in mind, and full in spirit. You may not currently be able to run like you once did, or maneuver up and down the stairs as easily. With a little patience, time, and Tai Chi, you just may be surprised what your body is capable of!

The Sports Injury Doctor(DATE). Tai chi rehabilitation – using Tai Chi in rehab. Retrieved